Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Baby Camp

I can't believe I didn't post about this before now! We have a new addition to our family, born October 26th. Campbell Aaron Reeder! He is the sweetest things and we are so happy to have him around. I think Bennett really enjoys being a big brother too. Having a newborn and a 2-year-old is hard but the parents are doing a great job. Here is a look at my precious new nephew and his big brother ready for Turkey day!

Best laid plans- for the best

So since I posted last, have have completed my student teaching in 3rd grade. The placement went by so quickly, I can still hardly believe it is over. I didn't do as much teaching or running of the class as my first placement, but that is to be expected as I had finished my teaching requirements and because of the shorter amount of time. However, just observing and helping out where I could allowed me to continue learning and confirmed for the love I have for 3rd grade! The teachers I worked with were, again, some of the most devoted, open-minded, pleasant faculty I have ever been around. I can't believe how blessed I am to have been in the presence of such talented educators and supportive friends. I might tell you more about specifics later but I just spent the last 2 weeks reflecting and writing about all of that stuff for my final portfolios.
Which brings me to my next bit of news- I got a job!! There is a 1st grade teacher at the school I have been working in moving over Christmas and they needed someone to replace her. I interviewed with the county on Thursday, then was asked to meet with the 1st grade team at our school on Monday, and then accepted the job. I start on January 2- ahh!!! The team is so amazing and I'm really sad the teacher I am replacing is leaving because she's cool ha. I plan to spend the rest of the time before the Christmas holidays in the classroom with her, getting to know the routines of the classroom and, most importantly, my future students!
Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "wait, isn't she getting married in March?!" and you would be correct. Originally, I was looking forward to a flexible spring where I would substitute teach as I please, work on fixing up the house, and prepare for the big day. But, as per usually it seems, my plans did not work out. Along the way, I have had many plans about how I wanted my life and education to go- relatively none of them worked out how I had planned! I can now say I am so thankful for that. It just goes to show that God has a plan for each of us and there is nothing we can do about it! If things had gone according to my plan, I don't think I would be where I am today. I know the spring is going to be insanely busy for me, and scary, but I am putting it in God's hands and going for it. I can't wait to see what happens next!