MAS School

The MAT ECCO program at UGA has completely changed my life. It has opened my eyes and changed my philosophies about teaching. It forces me to think about things I never would have otherwise and have learned so much about myself and the world around me!

Student Teaching!!
As I wrap up my last class everrrrrrr, I can't believe I've finally made it to student teaching! My gifted online class was really great, apart from the difficult tests that took 3 hours, and I finished off my classes with a strong grade. Today is Friday and I am started student teaching at World Language Academy on Monday. I just found out what I'll be doing this fall and now I can be excited instead of anxious and wondering. I'll be in 5th grade for 10 weeks and 3rd grade for 5 weeks. I am hoping to go over and meet my teacher today! They are still waiting on official confirmation from the district though so there is a chance I won't be allowed to start on Monday. They start school today though I can not wait to meet them!

 Last 2 Classes at UGA
Well, nothings easy. To make a long story short, my SPED class was cancelled due to a lack of enrollment. After a couple days of scrambling and freaking out, I signed up for an online "gifted" class. it's been going really well and I'll be finished with it at the end of July.
My Reading clinic class has been really intense but I've also had a pretty good time. I'm working with the sweetest 2nd grader. He's struggling with his reading, mainly sight words and fluency. This gave me a chance to try out some activities for these areas and really look at phonics which I haven't had much experience with. His comprehension and self-monitoring skills are great though. He is so smart. He's also a little chatter box with so many wild stories! it's been pretty cool making lesson plans for him each day, pinpointing his issues, and then seeing the results first hand.
Before now, I've just been learning about how to teach students and why that those ways are effective. This has really been my first opportunity to test these theories out and try my hand at it. Maybe I can do it! We'll see...

 Spring Semester Comes to an End
Tomorrow I am heading to my last class of spring semester and my last night class for my program. I can't believe how quickly the time has past and how much I have learned in such a short amount of time. I am finally getting a short break this May which I will be spending at home with my family and my fiance! I'll be back in Athens in June to take my 2 final classes. I am super excited because I will be taking Reading Clinic which I have been looking forward to since the beginning of the program. I can't wait to work with a student one-on-one for awhile. This will also finish up my requirements for my reading endorsement. woot
Tomorrow is also my last day of substitute teaching in Clarke county for awhile and I get to spend it with my favorite kids in kindergarten at Whit Davis! What a great way to end the semester. Now I just need to get through my exhibition to get the go ahead for student teaching - wish me luck!


Here is a link to the online book a did for a class. It is a "how-to" book


English-Language Learners

Family-School Partnerships 

Guided Reading Resources
Struggling Readers Resources

  • Effective Programs for Struggling Readers: A Best Synthesis July 7, 2009
  • Older Students Struggling with Reading,2002 

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